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Conferência de Bruxelas sobre a produção de TV e filmes na Europa

15 de Janeiro de 2020

O Observatório europeu do audiovisual escolheu como tema da conferência de Bruxelas 2020, a realizar em 4 de fevereiro, a situação da produção independente de TV e filmes na Europa.

Mais informação do Observatório para os interessados em participarem na conferência:

  Venue: Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the EURue Wiertz 77, Brussels, Belgium 
 How is the independent film and TV production sector in Europe shaping up? For this year’s Brussels conference, we’ve chosen to focus on the “indies” and the challenges for the audiovisual sector of an ever-tilting playing field with changing rules and new and powerful players. This year we’ll be asking:

What does “independent” actually mean nowadays?
What is the role and what are the challenges faced by independent TV and film producers in Europe today?
Can European and national regulation stimulate independent film and TV production in Europe?

Click on the button above and fill in the form for free registrationWe can promise you some great conference information take-aways and a very enjoyable panel discussion with some key players in the today’s European audiovisuel sector.

Confirmed speakers include Carolina Lorenzon, Director of International Affairs at Mediaset, Carlos Gerstenhauer, Commissioning Editor for fiction from Bayerischer Rundfunk, Alexandra Lebret, Director General of the European Producers’ Club, Anna Herold, Head of Unit, Audiovisual and Media Policy at the European Commission, Renate Doerr, responsible for Regulatory and European Affairs at ZDF, Jérôme Dechesne Deputy General Manager of the USPA (Union Syndicale de la Production Audiovisuelle) and Jérémie Kessler, Responsible for European Affairs at the French CNC.

Our conference is open to all media professionals, institutional representatives, journalists and academics interested in this subject. Conference language is English.
Sign up now to be sure of getting a seat!We’re looking forward to seeing you in Brussels!

Contact: alison.hindhaugh@coe.int 

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